Friday 19 June 2020


Saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada penyelia projek kami, En. Norhafizan yang amat berjasa dalam menjayakan projek ini dan tidak dilupakan, ahli kumpulan yang amat proaktif dan sentiasa memberi kerjasama yang padu bagi memastikan projek berjalan lancar.


Kumpulan kami mengambil keputusan untuk membuat carian melalui laman sesawang mengenai aktiviti jalinan kemasyarakatan yang boleh dijalankan di sekitar Universiti Malaya terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat sebarang kata putus. Beberapa aktiviti seperti aktiviti bersama anak yatim, aktiviti bersama kanak-kanak yang menghidap kanser dan sebagainya telah dicadangkan oleh ahli kumpulan. Namun begitu, harapan kami punah apabila kami menghubungi pihak-pihak yang menguruskan kumpulan sasaran tersebut. Kami diberitahu bahawa segala aktiviti oleh pihak luar tidak boleh dijalankan buat masa terdekat memandangkan isu COVID-19 pada awal bulan Mac mula berada pada tahap awal penularan. En Norhafizan yang merupakan penasihat kursus jalinan kemasyarakatan kumpulan kami telah menawarkan beberapa program jalinan kemasyarakatan yang dijalankan dibawah bimbingan beliau. Berikutan kes COVID-19 semakin meningkat setiap minggu pada bulan Mac, sebarang aktiviti bersama pihak luar menjadi semakin terhad. 

Oleh yang demikian, kumpulan kami mengambil keputusan untuk menjalankan aktiviti yang ditawarkan oleh En. Norhafizan. Kumpulan kami telah mengambil bahagian dalam menjalankan aktiviti STEM yang bertemakan reka cipta dan inovasi teknologi hijau. Kumpulan kami telah bekerjasama dengan mengagihkan tugasan bagi menjayakan projek tersebut. Beberapa tugas telah diberikan dan saya telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membuat syarat pertandingan. Dengan membuat rujukan meluas tentang syarat-syarat pertandingan berunsurkan reka cipta di internet, saya sedikit sebanyak telah mendapat gambaran besar tentang perkara yang harus disertakan di dalam syarat-syarat pertandigan. Setelah saya selesai menyenaraikan syarat-syarat pertandingan yang penting, saya meminta pandangan beberapa ahli kumpulan sekiranya terdapat perkara yang saya terlepas pandang. Setelah itu, saya menghantar fail tersebut kepada Jason yang merupakan ketua kumpulan untuk melakukan semakan terakhir.

Perintah kawal pergerakan yang berkuatkuasa bermula 18 Mac


Rancangan projek rekacipta dan inovasi STEM yang pada awalnya akan berjalan di SMK Puchong Utama terpaksa ditukar menjadi aktiviti atas talian memandangkan seluruh rakyat malaysia pada masa tersebut diarahkan untuk berada di rumah dan melakukan penjarakan sosial. Projek kami yang pada awalnya hanya disasarkan pada pelajar SMK Puchong Utama 1 telah diluaskan kepada semua pelajar sekolah menengah di seluruh Malaysia berikutan sambutan yang kurang memuaskan daripada pelajar sekolah tersebut. Keputusan drastik penukaran tersebut dilakukan pada minit terakhir untuk menambah lagi bilangan peserta. Saya telah menghubungi beberapa kenalan yang mempunyai adik yang masih berada di sekolah menengah untuk menghebahkan tentang projek yang kami jalankan. Akhirnya projek kami telah disertai oleh beberapa peserta daripada MRSM, dan sekolah-sekolah menengah yang lain. Saya berasa agak sedih kerana aktiviti bermanfaat seperti ini tidak berapa mendapat sambutan sedangkan ketika itu merupakan musim cuti sekolah. Semestinya para pelajar sekolah menengah mempunyai masa lapang tapi apakan daya. Mungkin hebahan ini agak tiba-tiba dan mereka tidak ada masa yang lama untuk membuat keputusan sama ada hendak menyertai atau tidak.

Poster pertandingan

Aktiviti dimulakan dengan sesi pembelajaran menggunakan perisian Thinkercad. Saya merasakan perisian tersebut amat berguna dan harus dipelajari bagi memudahkan proses rekaan yang biasanya hanya dilakukan di atas kertas. Melalui perisian tersebut peserta dapat melakar rekaan mereka dalam bentuk 3 dimensi. Sesi tersebut telah diajar oleh Alvin yang merupakan salah seorang ahli kumpulan kami. Kelas yang berlangsung hanya selama sejam telah digunakan sepenuhnya oleh Alvin untuk mecurahkan kemahiran menggunakan perisian tersebut. Disebabkan masa yang singkat dan untuk memudahkan peserta merujuk semula, beberapa video tutorial telah dimuat naik di dalam Google Classroom. 

Sesi pembelajaran Thinkercad oleh Alvin (Lim Jing Yu)

Setelah itu, peserta diberikan masa sehingga 31 Mei untuk membuat prototype berdasarkan rekaan yang telah dibuat di Thinkercad. Peserta digalakkan untuk menggunakan bahan kitar semula. Penggunaan kitar semula bukan sahaja dapat menyemai sikap 3R guna semula ‘reuse’ tetapi juga memudahkan peserta. Disebabkan perintah kawalan pergerakan, agak sukar untuk mereka pergi ke kedai untuk membeli bahan bagi membina prototype. Jadi lebih baik dan memudahkan kerja sekiranya mereka hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan kitar semula seperti botol dan kotak yang boleh dijumpai di rumah.

Tugasan terakhir para peserta setelah siap membina prototype produk adalah untuk merakam video pembentangan produk. Video tersebut berbentuk bebas dan tidak mempunyai deskripsi spesifik. Dengan ini peserta bebas menunjukkan kreativiti masing-masing dalam pembikinan video pembentangan. Setelah selesai kesemua tugasan, peserta diarahkan untuk menghantar video dan lakaran ke saluran yang telah disediakan. Memandangkan tempoh masa yang diberikan untuk menghantar hasil kerja agak lama, para peserta agak terlepas pandang untuk menyiapkan dan menghantar penyertaan. Cadangan saya kepada sesiapa yang bakal menjalankan aktiviti sebegini dan lebih-lebih lagi secara atas talian, adalah lebih baik sekiranya setiap peserta dipantau oleh seorang penyelaras/fasilitator projek. Oleh yang demikian, segala perkembangan para peserta sentiasa dapat dipantau.

Setelah para juri selesai membuat penilaian, majlis penyampaian hadiah dan penutupan projek telah dilangsungkan pada 5 Jun 2020. Seperti yang dijangka, seluruh Malaysia masih berada di bawah kawalan pergerakan pada tarikh tersebut. Jadi majlis tersebut terpaksa dijalankan atas talian menggunakan aplikasi Google Meet. Ketua UM STEM Centre, Ir. Dr. Mas Sahidayana binti Mokhtar telah dijemput bagi merasmikan penutupan Karnival STEM di Hatiku yang telah dijalankan. Para peserta yang berjaya memenangi pertandingan telah memenangi wang ringgit bernilai sehingga RM250 dan semua peserta diberikan sijil penyertaan. Segala pemberian hadiah telah diberikan secara atas talian sama ada melalui emel atau secara perbankan atas talian. Walaupun majlis tersebut agak unik kerana dijalankan sepenuhnya atas talian serutama sekali majlis pemberian hadiah, majlis tersebut berjalan dengan baik dan kumpulan kami berasa gembira kerana projek tersebut dapat dijalankan dengan jayanya walaupun terdapat pelbagai cabaran.


Akhirnya selesai sudah projek Reka Cipta dan Inovasi Teknologi Hijau bagi kursus Jalinan Kemasyarakatan ini. Bagi memperbaiki diri dan juga projek yang mungkin antara ahli kumpulan kami akan jalankan, sebuah borang penilaian telah dihantar kepada para peserta. Setelah itu kami juga membahagikan kerja terakhir sebelum iaitu laporan aktiviti dan juga pembentangan aktiviti. Saya dan sebahagian ahli kumpulan yang lain telah mengambil tugas menyiapkan laporan aktiviti manakala sebahagian lagi akan menyiapkan slide pembentangan projek. Kerja tersebut dapat disiapkan dengan pantas kerana setiap ahli kumpulan amat produktif dan menjalankan tugas sama rata. Bak kata pepatah berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. 

Walaupun jumlah penyertaan projek yang kami jalankan tidak berapa mendapat sambutan namun kami masih dapat menimba pengalaman yang amat berharga. Terutama sekali pengalaman menganjurkan pertandingan secara atas talian sepenuhnya. Harapan saya adalah agar lebih ramai pelajar dapat menunjukkan minat yang mendalam pada subjek yang berkaitan dengan Sains, Teknologi, Kejuruteraan & Matematik. Selain itu, saya juga berharap agar para pelajar dapat mengisi masa lapang terutama sekali ketika musim cuti sekolah untuk mempelajari perkara baru yang tidak dapat diperoleh di sekolah. 

Sekian sahaja refleksi saya berkenaan projek Reka Cipta dan Inovasi Teknologi Hijau bagi kursus Jalinan Kemasyarakatan GIG1005.


KIG180001 // 17193090

Jon Lee Zhuo Rong (KIG180050)

Reflection (JON LEE ZHUO RONG) (KIG180050) (17160163/1)  

It is amazing how humans make discoveries about themselves. On a much personal level, there were various things happened during the course of study for this subject and all of them had impacted on how I think and act in the future.  My groupmates and I had spent around 4 months observing, planning, executing and finally completing this project. This project had given me valuable insights and experiences which are crucial for personal learning and development. 

Project Planning

      At first, Social Engagement sounded very foreign to us as some of us did not participate much in activities which have engagement with people outside the university. After listened to a few briefing sessions on this subject, most of us were very confused and did not have any ideas on the selection of the available projects. But one of the students decided to take action by emailing the lecturer to obtain clearer information on the projects and eventually with the clear information obtained, we did have a clear idea on how we were going to execute the project. With that being said, it shows that communication between lecturers and students are very important, where accurate and clear information can be obtained faster and therefore planning of project can be accomplished very soon. Hence, without hesitation our group immediately started our discussion on project selection. 

    At first, we decided to visit the Orphanage home. My teammates has started doing research and phone calling to grant permissions from few orphanage homes. But when we were about to finalize our project title, second wave of COVID-19 hit our country. Government announced Movement Control Order (MCO) where universities must shut down and every academic activity must be conducted virtually. This was an unfortunate news for everyone as all the planning being done for the projects had to be cancelled as no more physical activities were allowed nationwide. Not just the students, lecturers were also being affected by this pandemic as they had to figured out new projects that were suitable for us to be conducted during the E-learning period. Hence, planning and discussions were put on hold and all the students were told to wait for new updates. What I’ve learnt from this matter is that we always have to be prepared with sudden changes on our plans as the future is very unpredictable, such as the announcement of nationwide MCO.

     After a few weeks, new projects were being announced and then all of us were given projects where we had to conduct virtual activities with secondary school students in our country. There are 14 activities listed by lecturer to be undertaken with the community, the STEM Carnival and Digital Learning. This virtual activity is a completely new things to all of us. I believe that all groups members were afraid and they had no ideas what to do. In the era of information technology, I personally think that this virtual activity is a good way to change our traditional mindset to a more creative and innovative virtual thinking. This is a new challenge to us and we decided to accept it and conquer it. Our group chose the STEM Carnival and got the approval of Mr. Nurhafizan. There are 5 groups involved in this STEM Carnival. Our group chose to hold a STEM Design and Innovation competition with SMK Puchong Utama 1. We quickly got into our first meeting and discussions. Our group leader, Jason had assigned the tasks to 9 categories - work in google form, poster, video for online class, find jury, edit video of participants, make gifts and certificates, setting competition terms, competition criteria and finally person incharge to contact participants. Our group was very cooperative and always pro-active in asking if they don't understand a thing. I found that we were able to help each other in every circumstances. Along the planning period, I have learnt that teamwork is very important in planning activities. With teamwork such as the engagement of everyone during the discussions, ideas can be exchanged, mistakes and bug can be amplified, and therefore having productive discussions.

Project Execution

    I was assigned to create the competition Google form for registration purpose. This is my first few times doing Google form. At first, I had no idea what to write in the Google form. Luckily, another member from the other group was assigned to cooperate with me in completing this Google form. I was happy at that time because I knew that there's another person who i can rely on and help me to solve my problems. We two often had some discussions on Whatsapp and helped each other in completing the Google form. This was the first time i felt the importance of cooperation in teamwork. Cooperation is important because it allowed us to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits. Cooperation allows me to exchange valuable information with my teammates that helps both sides improve knowledge bases and work in a time and resource efficient manner. Initially, the recruitment of participants was very underwhelming, we got only 2 individuals who registered. I was worried that maybe our project was not attractive enough for students. Soon, we realised that to get more participants we had to open the competition to other school students. Among the schools participating in our competition were SASER, MRSM Parit, MRSM Tun Dr Ismail and etc. After a period, we only got 8 participants. We felt a little bit disappointed because we are expecting more people to participate in this competition. Anyhow, our project would still have to continue as planned. 

    After that, our competition had a ThinkerCAD learning session. This session was taught by Alvin, one of the group members. I was proud of his courage and willingness in helping our team to become a teacher for those secondary students. I was very impressed of his work and the way he teaches, very interactive and interesting. Not only that, he was able to attract students by giving them some small gifts like Tealive voucher. I was deeply touched and encouraged to work hard to make this project a success.

    As of the end of the current phase, 8 participants have successfully sent us their videos and ideas through the provided Google Drive link. I was proud of those secondary students because they had work hard on their own project and completed their task within a short period of time. They came out with a project that contains good quality and university standard even though they were still a secondary student. I was impressed by their courageous and knowledge they had. I believe that they will become a successful person in the future. 

    On closing day, the ceremony was very smooth and very good. In particular, it was our first online event, with over 80 attendees. But not everything works smoothly. For example, when the winner's video was presenting, the video had no voice. We felt embarrassed that we did not do any testing before the day but the problem was solved by giving our viewers a link to winner's video. So they can watch the video at their own time. This was a lesson for all of us.

Project Closing

     Geoffrey Chaucer once said, “All good things must come to an end”. A lot of good memories were made during the planning and execution of this project. I’ve made new friends. I’ve gained a lot of valuable experiences. I’ve learnt a lot of lessons which assisted in my future personal growth. I’ve also improved my communication and presentation skills. This project was a fruitful experience for me, and I believe for all members in my group as well. I will miss the students and hope that they will ace in their future exams.

     Our roles in this project were mainly conveying knowledge to secondary students by conducting TinkerCad learning session and helping them to know better about science, technology, engineering and math. I believed at the end of this project, each of us had achieved the objective which is to convey knowledge and benefited from this project in terms of personal growth and development. This pandemic hit us out of nowhere and affected all of our initial plans, but we managed to overcome it with all the help and support from the lecturer and students. In the future, I hope the university can come out with backup plans for Social Engagement so that project planning and executions can be done smoothly.

     Lastly, I feel so lucky to have an amazing team. All of them were so responsible in carrying out their jobs. I would like to thank all my group members because they always lend me a hand whenever I need help from them. I would like to give a big applause to Jason Ng, our group leader, because he led and guided us to complete our tasks effectively. Also, thanks to our lecturer, Mr Norhafizan Bin Ahmad which gave us a lot of advices and suggestions. I am so grateful to have a great time with you all. Thank you!  


Lim Jing Yu (KIG180058)

Project Reflection

They say social engagement is boring! But that's certainly not for me. My name is Lim Jing Yu, a second year Mechanical Engineering Student from University of Malaya. Before I was enrolled in the Social Engagement course this year, my thought on social engagement activities will be something like be a volunteer in the National Zoo which will need to clean animal's cage and that's all. However, only after the first meeting with our lecturer for this course, Mr Norhafizan Ahmad. I realized that social engagement is far more than what I expected. The aim of the social engagement activities is to make positive influences in the society meanwhile exposing ourselves to a new skill. This is where the story will begin and I would like to share the whole experience from planning stage to execution stage and finally the post-event stage.

Preparation Stage

    During the planning stage, I was confused on what kind of social engagement activities should we conduct as not much information was given in the spectrum as reference. However, after a few explanation session from our lecturer, I was able to understand on what social engagement activities are all about and examples of the activities lead by him in the past. Furthermore, what a relieve for me after I know that I will not be alone to conduct the activities. Whew... Then, there were me and my teammates forming the team quite randomly considering all of us do not have much to do with each others in other situations.

    At the beginning, we were given some topics from our lecturer to pick. The topic was chosen and everything is going smoothly. But BOOM, suddenly the Covid-19 outbreak around the world and landed on Malaysia. That was when the nightmare came, Movement Control Order (MCO) was announced, and everything have to be transformed into online as physical gathering was not allowed. The social engagement activities were halted and out on hold until the coordinators decide how to conduct social engagement activities in an alternative way.

    The decision was made and 6 topics were proposed by our lecturer initially. However,  discussion by our group leader, Jason Ng and other group leader with the lecturer lead to the decision that the 6 topics were transformed into 3 topics due to some of the topics were not feasible as MCO were extended. To be honest, during the MCO period, most of us was not clear on what we should do for the topics. But all of us were able to understand after discussion in our WhatsApp group as everyone gave complete cooperation.

    Our group chosen the topic to conduct a online STEM Carnival for secondary school students, which aim to expose secondary school students to STEM related activities during the free time in MCO. Our group-STEM 4 and another group-STEM 5 were partnering for the competition namely 'Pertandingan Rekacipta Dan Inovasi Teknologi Hijau'. The tasks were distributed evenly by our leaders and all of us chose the task we interested the most with first come first serve basis. I chose to make the video or live teaching session on TinkerCad, which is the web based design and modeling software for participants for the competition. I chose this task because I always have a thought of doing tutorial and explanation video to educate people and this is the opportunity I am hoping all the time.

Execution Stage

    After all the preparation, we went to the execution stage of the project. Meanwhile my group members are executing their tasks from designing posters to finding the participants, I was not sleeping at home. To conduct my task of teaching TinkerCad to the students, me myself have to be a student to learn and understand the software before planning the recording. Even though I had prior experience in other design and modeling software like Solidwork and AutoCAD, I would say that learning this new software is still a exciting journey for me as the software was made with built in tutorials and the learning resources was easily found on the Internet. Moreover, a meeting with other groups in STEM made the learning process more excited and engaging.

    To ensure our participants can completely understand our tutorial on TinkerCad, discussion with our partner group were done and we agreed that we should prepare a pre-recorded tutorial and live teaching session on TinkerCad. Where I will be preparing the live teaching session and my partner, Danial will be in charging of the pre-recorded tutorial. We also discussed on what and how the tutorial should be prepared to ensure the participants will be able to understand the basic and advance feature of TinkerCad.

    I was clueless at a point on how to teach the TinkerCad to the participants and our background are different as our skill level on design and modeling is obviously different. What more is the teaching will be LIVE, I knew that I must prepare it in a way that it will be short and concise as well as easy and interesting to follow. Luckily, discussing with Jason and Danial clear my thoughts and allow me to prepare my live teaching as they were very understanding on my situation and willing to help me out when I have question.

    Here is how I prepare myself for the live. First and foremost, I put my at a complete beginner viewpoint to identify what are the basic features and functions that I must know to use the software efficiently. From there, I was able to list out the outline of the tutorial. Then, from my own experience of learning design and modeling, I deduced that the participants will not be able to absorb well if they just learn by only watching but not applying. 

    Hence, I decided to show an example on what they can do with the software. Problem arose with the problem is whether I should make the example in live or showing the prepared example, but showing the example without showing the process is just nonsense. I challenged myself to design the example in the live despite of the time period of 1 hour set for the live session. For the example, it must not be too simple and to be related on what participant should prepare for the competition.

    I felt quite anxious before the live teaching session, as the live was recommended to be conducted by using Malay, but I was not confident to teach in Malay. One of the achievements for me is I was be able to conduct a live teaching session using Malay. Although Jason and Danial have nothing to do with the live session, yet they agreed to join the live just in case there were some technical error occur during the live as my laptop and connection is another challenge for me to conduct the live. I was lucky as they were in the live as my laptop shut down just as I expected, Jason announce a 5 minutes break for the participants while I attempt the restart my laptop. I was panic even if they were there to control the situation.

    The live was a success for me and hopefully for the participants as well. It turn out to be the case as the feedback from participants feedback form was very positive as all of them were able to understand the functions in TinkerCad after the live and they liked about the live teaching session conducted.

Post Event

    Finally, come to the post event stage. A general feedback form was submitted by everyone participants to collects their feedback and thoughts about the competition. This is to analyze the outcome of our competition and enable us to learn from the mistake we made. Beside the general feedback form for the competition, a particular feedback form was also made for the live teaching session on TinkerCad.

Forms response chart. Question title: Pengetahuan anda  tentang TinkerCAD sebelum menjalani kelas ini. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Pengetahuan anda tentang fungsi tools dan shortcuts di TinkerCAD selepas menjalani kelas ini. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Berikan penilaian anda tentang kelas ini. Number of responses: 8 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Adakah anda mahu belajar tentang TinkerCAD atau lain-lain CAD (Computer Aided Design) dalam masa hadapan?. Number of responses: 8 responses.


    The most meaningful learning experience for me is to prepare the live session from scratch. From the anxious to speak Malay in live, to panic when technical error occur during live and ultimately relieve and happy to know that the participants absorbed well in live and like my teaching.

    The most important awareness for me is the difficulty in teaching virtually especially in live. During the process of preparing and delivering the live, I was aware that a clear outline on what to teach during live must be prepared well to ensure the teaching to be smooth. It is difficult also in terms of unable to know whether participants understands the lesson explained as I unable to know whether they're listening and following the lesson, and they will not answer the question asked most of the time.

    In conclusion, through the social engagement activities conducted. I will involved in social engagement activities in the future because I would like to make more positive impacts in the society and acquire more new skills for myself.

Lim Jing Yu
