Thursday 18 June 2020



            First of all, this project has been well planned and about to be organized until a serious pandemic which is the Covid-19 virus was spreading all over the world. Due to such unexpected tragedy, the entire plan got shelved. At first, the entire group members were very concerned that this project will be halted as well. We had to change the prospect and make slight amendments regarding this STEM project. However, the determination from each of us has made this project to go on through online. We also had our lecturer backing us up in order for us to get things done in the best way.

To be honest, conducting such activities virtually is very dreadful. We had tough times communicating with our own members so imagine the situation we went through to communicate with the participants. Disregarding all the challenges we went through, we still did not manage to attract enough participants for this activity. In order for us to attract as many participants as possible, we made posters, prepared some attractive prizes for winners and also certificates for every participants. That is when we manage to get an adequate amount of participants since most of them had a motive of winning the cash prizes as well. Those participants who joined this activity are very talented as each one of them had their own idea of innovation which was very mesmerizing to me since they were all just primary school students.

I was in control directly of finding and communicating with judges regarding their innovations. Despite the hard-hitting time, I was able to recruit 3 judges for our competition who are Dr. Nik Nazri, Dr. Sayuti and Dr. Ridha. All of them were very patient and cooperative throughout this project. Although they were only given about 4 days to evaluate every candidate’s innovation, they really did a splendid job which something to be applauded of. Honestly, I learned a lot throughout this STEM project. It is a good experience to gain since you are dealing with people outside and also develop your management skills which may be influential in future.  

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